
Showing posts from January, 2021

A Long Road

(UPDATE- For more current posts, please click on Weston’s name at the top of the screen)  I never thought I would ever have cause or need to start another one of these. But I guess here we go again...  Before I get into where we are and what’s going on currently, I’d like to start with some history. On December 8, 2020, our son Weston started having seizures. Initially, he started with myoclonic seizures, often referred to as drop seizures. Usually from standing position, Weston’s body would go completely limp and he would fall to the ground. Hence the term drop seizures. During these initial seizures, he did not loose consciousness.  Recognizing immediately that something wasn’t right, we took Weston to Carson Tahoe’s ER. They approached his case as just his having balance issues, did a CT scan to confirm he didn’t have any sort of residual head injuries from his falling, and send us on our way. A neurologist in Reno we had seen years past was called for a consult while ...